Washing dishes

Washing dishes for someone who is low vision is similar to anyone else who washes dishes but the sense of touch becomes more important. There are some steps that we teach our patients. The first step is to fill a sink about six inches high with hot soapy water. We then tell patients to scrape as much food off dishes as possible into the trash. Those dishes are then placed in the soapy sink water to soak. Each dish is then picked up and felt for any residue. Areas with residue can be cleaned with a sponge or dish brush to scrub the problem areas until they feel smooth and clean. Obviously, we teach patients to take extra care when washing knives or breakable glass. 

Rinsing comes next. Before placing a rinsed dish in the dish rack, it is important to make sure that there is free space. We teach patients to use your hands to feel for a space that will fit the size and shape of the dish. Then place that dish into that open space. 

It does take longer for a low vision patient to wash their dishes. However, that bit of extra time and a little more attention can lead to good results.